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- Festival Tradition- HUM 917
He welcomes springtime and honors the tradition of festival going as he joyfully sets off for a traditional celebration. Festival Tradition is an M.I. Hummel lad bringing along his whip to participate in the typically Bavarian pastime of Goasslschnalzen.
The whip the boy is holding is based on a famous game in Germany. Among the most interesting regional customs common in springtime is Goasslschnalzen, a loud and rhythmic cracking of whips, performed in unison. Goasslschnalzen developed in centuries past as carriage drivers used elaborate whip cracking to announce their approach. Although the carriages are gone, the custom remains with concert-like performances of whip cracking. Goasslschnalzen and has even become a competitive sport in Bavaria.
He is going out with her companion, "Festival Journey" (HUM 2380). "Carnival Can Come" (HUM 2428) is ready to have some fun.
Sculptor Marion Huschka
Sculpted: 2016
Height: 4.25"
Product Reviews
Goalschnalzen -Festival Tradition
Posted by Joanne Wieand on May 8th 2018
This figurine and its explanation is in line with Bavarian Tradition. Since I am member of a Bavarian Folk dancing group here in North America I have seen perfomances using the whip to accompany music.
Posted by hk on Aug 24th 2017
He's adorable. Fits right in with my other boys.