Creativity and imagination starts early and most little girls want to be a nurse when they grow up. Comfort and Care features a caring little nurse in her white coat and comfy slippers holding a needle with a bandage at her feet. Nurses can touch your life for only a moment but create lasting impressions. Comfort And Care, crafted in 1999 was not released until 2000 as part of the "Off to Work" series.
Little Pharmacist (HUM 322) is a companion for Hummel nurse.
Other Hummel profession figurines are available here.
Sculptor: Helmut Fischer
Sculpted: 1999
Height: 4.25"
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It carried a "First Issue 2000" special backstamp in the first year of production and incised 1998 copyright date and came with a Healing Hands Hummelscape. In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Goebel donated a select group of figurines to the Local Chapters to be raffled off. All proceeds from the raffles would then go to benefit families of the victims. The select group of figurines included patriotic/medical/firefighter/police and emergency support personnel themes. Comfort And Care is making its return as part of the Classics Collection.