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Dear Hummel Fans - A Letter From Germany

Posted by Hummel on

Dear Hummel Fans - Today, we bring you a letter from Germany. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Membership Service team at 609-400-1647 and

Dear customer,

dear Hummel fan,

Today you finally get some news from Hummel: We are happy to announce that we purchased the company Hummel Manufaktur on Dec. 22, 2017. By this we continue its long and valuable tradition of Hummel figurines. Our aim was to join all parts of 83 years of Hummel tradition in order to
strengthen the brand and reestablish its original fascination.

Today we can say – we made it! For the first time in the history of
Hummel everything lies in one hand – one Hummel, one company!
We have the full support of the Convent in Sießen and production
of new figurines is in full swing again. We are working hard on the figurines and sent the first ones to the States already.

We met recently Ken LeFevre and Chuck Harley, the managing partners of Newboden, who rendered outstanding services all those years concerning the Hummel brand. Ken and Chuck are deligthed to hand it over to us and trust that Hummel USA will be in new good hands in the future.

We do understand that lots of you had to wait quite a while for some news
concerning the fate of Hummel Manufaktur. Please believe me:
We do our very best to satisfy all needs around the figurines and most of all to please you - the faithful collectors. So far it was – and still is – lots of work to establish a solid future for the Hummel, though. Officially I have been 1-Euro-salary-CEO of Hummel Manufaktur since January 15, 2018. Within the first two months we created new clear structures for the company which means a big success. Since then we literally are driving full speed “on German Autobahn”!

Good news: The website remains for the time
being so that you can order your figurines like you are used to.
We try to make the transition a smooth one and we are sure: until mid-year we will have finished the necessary restructuring of the company. In the meantime: If you are interested in how the new Hummel flies in Germany, please enter Our new German website is online and is constantly worked upon – especially regarding the club details. Its US version will follow very soon.

Our production is already running at full speed, whereby it is particularly important to us that the quality of the figurines does not suffer. On the contrary, you as a loyal fan and collector should keep the best quality “made in Germany“ in your hands.

We thank newboden and their fantastic team for their engagement
concerning Hummel over all these years and know that they will support us
also in the years to come. For you, our dear customer and Hummel fan,
the most important things remain the same. The airlift of products is working and thousands of figurines are already on their way to the states. and we start with excellent news: From may 1st on we will ship any Hummel figurines direct from rödental/Germany to the frontstep of your home within only 48 hours – without any additional costs to your usual delivery fee!

some more information is on its way to you: The new magazine Hummel-Post (formerly insights) will be ready by mid-april. The next magazines will be issued regularly every quarter of the year. We did not forget the mem-bership card. We are still in a process of technology transfer and will provide you with your card soonest possible starting with the new club year in June.

There will be many new figurines introduced this year and most of all:
Hummel will return to its old strength again. We are sure – you will appreciate that! accompany me to lead the Hummel back to its old high standing again!

I thank you from my heart for all the trust you gave to the Hummel brand and its wonderful figurines over all the past years and decades and remain.