Christmas Collection 2019.
Traditionally, children receive a little present on St. Nicholas Day if they clean their boots and put them outside the door on the evening before December 6th. Tradition says, Santa Claus hides the presents in the clean boots. Our Hummel boy is also delighted on the morning of December 6th about the gifts that Santa Claus has left him: a gingerbread, a candy cane and a little Santa Claus peek out of the boot.
“Sweet Surprise” is ideal as a small St. Nicholas present. “Nutcracker Sweet” (HUM 2130) is just as cute – here a little Hummel boy tries to crack nuts with the nutcracker. The popular "Rupert" (HUM 473), who is known as Santa Claus's evil assistant is also available in White Edition.
Sculptor: Marion Huschka
Sculpted: 2019
Height: 4.75"